Eastern Shore- Maryland- Delaware Auctions and Auctioneers
December 30, 2024HAPPY HOLIDAYSMD, DE, VA Eastern Shore Auctions, Inc would like to thank you for your patronage and support this year. We greatly appreciate you, our customer. We look forward to serving you in the coming [read more] |
COMING SOONSalisbury Estate Auction28620 Ocean Gateway Salisbury, MD. 21801 This auction will feature quality furniture, glassware, paintings and other collectibles. Additional information will be added soon. |
COMING SOONFormer Estate of Delegate D. Page Elmore & Living Estate of Delegate Carolyn Elmore24970 Ocean Gateway, Mardela Springs, MD 21837 This will be an outstanding auction of quality furniture, glassware, Sterling silver, jewelry and other collectibles. Additional information will be added soon. |